Tony Sanders


I just wanted to drop a note of thanks to you, Lorraine and the team for the amazing service and food we had on Saturday.
It’s the first such event I’ve been to where things have gone so smoothly – at least from our side of things (I hope it wasn’t too stressful from your side!!) Everyone commented on the quality of the food, obviously no surprise to me, but our guests were very impressed. Lorraine, the waiting and the Bar staff were simple amazing – how you orchestrated the courses to be served in such a short time amazes me – as was perfectly cooked Halibut for that many covers – I struggle getting it right for 6 people, never mind 60.
Please pass on our thanks to all involved – I’ve sent a little something which should arrive on Friday!
Roll on 7th July, when it looks like we’ll have 90 dining!
Best regards